Reference for console commands, Lua hooks and Lua commands in CS2D.
- Console Commands are entered in console, executed with key-binds, cfg-files or with Lua parse
- Lua Hooks execute Lua when events occur - some have a return value which can change the game behavior
- Lua Commands are used to retrieve game data or to perform actions in Lua scripts
CS2D Console Commands
Lua Hooks
Category: all (79)
- always
- assist
- attack
- attack2
- bombdefuse
- bombexplode
- bombplant
- break
- build
- buildattempt
- buy
- clientdata
- clientsetting
- collect
- connect
- connect_attempt
- connect_initplayer
- die
- disconnect
- dominate
- drop
- endround
- flagcapture
- flagtake
- flashlight
- hit
- hitzone
- hostagedamage
- hostagekill
- hostagerescue
- hostageuse
- httpdata
- itemfadeout
- join
- key
- kill
- leave
- log
- mapchange
- menu
- minute
- move
- movetile
- ms100
- name
- objectdamage
- objectkill
- objectupgrade
- parse
- projectile
- projectile_impact
- radio
- rcon
- reload
- say
- sayteam
- sayteamutf8
- sayutf8
- second
- select
- serveraction
- shieldhit
- shutdown
- spawn
- specswitch
- spray
- startround
- startround_prespawn
- suicide
- team
- trigger
- triggerentity
- turretscan
- use
- usebutton
- vipescape
- voice
- vote
- walkover
- id: player id
- reason: reason id (0 normal, >0 kick/ban/timeout)
When a player leaves the game. Either manually by disconnecting or forced by server (kick/ban).
Possible reason IDs:
Possible reason IDs:
- 0 - normal leave (player left game manually)
- 1 - ping timeout
- 2 - kicked (without reason text)
- 3 - kicked because a cheat was detected
- 4 - server shutdown
- 5 - client confirmed server shutdown (each client sends this when the server is being shut down)
- 6 - banned
- 7 - error during join process
- 8 - client failed to load map
- 9 - join process cancelled by user
- 10 - ping too high (mp_pinglimit)
- 11 - kicked for too many team kills (mp_teamkillpenalty)
- 12 - kicked for too many hostage kills (mp_hostagepenalty)
- 13 - kicked via voting of other players (mp_kickpercent, vote)
- 14 - kicked for reservation system (mp_reservations)
- 15 - kicked because a speedhack was detected
- 16 - kicked (with reason text)
- 17 - player has been rerouted to another server (reroute)
- 18 - kicked for being idle (mp_idletime, mp_idlekick, mp_idleaction)
- 19 - kicked for flooding chat with messages
Note: When this hook is executed, the player data is still available. It will be removed directly afterwards. If you want to run a script AFTER the player has been fully removed, use disconnect.
Return Values
none - related action(s) [if there are any] performed by CS2D cannot be altered/omitted