Reference for console commands, Lua hooks and Lua commands in CS2D.
- Console Commands are entered in console, executed with key-binds, cfg-files or with Lua parse
- Lua Hooks execute Lua when events occur - some have a return value which can change the game behavior
- Lua Commands are used to retrieve game data or to perform actions in Lua scripts
CS2D Console Commands
Lua Hooks
Category: player (56)
- assist
- attack
- attack2
- bombdefuse
- bombexplode
- bombplant
- build
- buildattempt
- buy
- clientdata
- clientsetting
- collect
- connect
- connect_attempt
- connect_initplayer
- die
- disconnect
- dominate
- drop
- flagcapture
- flagtake
- flashlight
- hit
- hostagedamage
- hostagekill
- hostagerescue
- hostageuse
- itemfadeout
- join
- key
- kill
- leave
- menu
- move
- movetile
- name
- radio
- reload
- say
- sayteam
- sayteamutf8
- sayutf8
- select
- serveraction
- shieldhit
- spawn
- specswitch
- spray
- suicide
- team
- use
- usebutton
- vipescape
- voice
- vote
- walkover
- id: player id
- iid: item id
- type: item type
- ain: ammo in weapon / item count
- a: additional ammo
- mode: item mode
When a player (with ID id) is walking over an item (with ID iid).
Return 1 in this hook to prevent that the player collects the item.
You can use the type parameter to get the type of the weapon/item.
The following weapon/item type IDs exist:

Moreover there are some additional values which are passed to this hook:
Return 1 in this hook to prevent that the player collects the item.
You can use the type parameter to get the type of the weapon/item.
The following weapon/item type IDs exist:

Moreover there are some additional values which are passed to this hook:
- ain ammo in the weapon (or the item count)
- a additional / spare ammo (for reloading)
- mode: the item/weapon mode (0 in most cases, other values if special modes are enabled e.g. burst or custom laser color)
Note: There is also a collect-hook but it doesn't support return values. So you can't stop the player from collecting stuff using it.
Return Values
- 0: proceed normally (collect if possible)
- 1: don't collect